Terms & Conditions

All the artwork, music, and written content on this site are my (Lewis Clarke) own intellectual property. If you wish to use these pieces or feature my work in your own projects, please ask my consent and credit me where appropriate. I reserve the right to accept or decline where my work can be used.

Regarding astrological readings and bookings I have a 72 hour (3 day) No Cancellation policy - this is to ensure my resources are not wasted and that I am fairly compensated for the work and time I devote to all my readings. If you need to reschedule, please let me know as far in advance as possible, but understand I may have other bookings on a given day. If you are running late for your booking please let me know via email so I can make reasonable adjustments to our schedule where possible. In the instance I am running late or need to reschedule I will alert you with as early as I can.